The threat of smuggling has been convincing fight against smoking ...
November 11 President Viktor Yushchenko vetoed the passage of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on October 22 Law "On rates of excise duty on tobacco products." This law, as we have been provided for an increase in ad valorem excise rate (tax rate as a percentage of turnover realization of the goods) from 20% to 36%. And if the President signed into law, the increase would have a third this year.
But Viktor Yushchenko vetoed it. For many, such a step head of state was a surprise. Recently a group of deputies, experts and NGO representatives stated that "the President's decision is of great surprise, because it is inconsistent with its stated course of the nation's health and the European integration of Ukraine".
Yushchenko recalled its position 2 years ago, when, how, like the Coalition of NGOs and Initiatives "For a smoke-free Ukraine," President of the National Forum "Healthy Nation" announced "Seven initiatives of the President of Ukraine to improve the health of the Ukrainian people." The first of these initiatives was to "reduce the harmful effects of smoking on health. To achieve this, proposed a set of activities, the first of which was an increase in excise taxes on tobacco products.
They ask each other fighters against smoking, and why the President signed all previous laws on raising excise taxes on tobacco products, but did not want to do now?
Sam Viktor Yushchenko explained his decision in the first place the desire to avoid the smuggling, which warned tobacco companies. "With the passing of the amount of excise tax in the price of a pack of cigarettes without a filter will be approximately 4,3 times higher than in Russia, and cigarette filters - 3,3 - 3,8 times ... - it is in the proposals of the President to law, returned to the Verkhovna Rada. - This creates the risk of income in Ukraine contraband products.
This agrees with President Boris Kushniruk economic expert. Speaking for the restriction of smoking areas, Kushniruk, however, said that with the excise should be cautious. "Provoke a sharp increase in smuggling very easy ... Excise tax must be applied carefully so as not to destroy domestic production", - said he was "Day".
But the President, except for contraband, and for experiencing a decrease in revenue to the state budget, reducing the volume of production and release of workers in the sector, which, according to the head of state, possibly with the next increase in excise duties.
In the Coalition for a smoke-free Ukraine ", in turn, give data on which in 2000-2008 years the production of cigarettes in Ukraine increased from 59 billion to 130 billion pieces. But the number of employed in tobacco factories during this time, according to Goskomstat, decreased from 6156 to 4139 people ...
But the main thing that is contrary to veto the law enunciated by the rate of recovery of the nation, I am sure the head of the National Board of Health under the President of Ukraine Mykola Polishchuk. "For me it was strange that the President vetoed the law - he admitted to reporters recently. - The more that I knew in advance about the intentions of signing.
According to Polishchuk, every day from tobacco kills 300 people every hour - 11 active and 1 passive smokers. "Compare the current epidemic of influenza, during which three weeks less than 200 people died, so how many people die every day from smoking" - he said. Polishchuk argues that the price of cigarettes for our people is of great significance. "Young people and adolescents can be influenced only by the price, because the discipline they know how - emphasizes the Chairman of the National Health. Due to this, in Ukraine for four years managed to reduce the number of smokers from 41 to 31%, according to Polishchuk. This, he said, more than a million people ...
Meanwhile, ex-deputy minister of economics and advisor to the First Vice-Prime Minister Vladimir Ryaboshlyk believes that Viktor Yushchenko still sign the legislation to raise the excise taxes.
"I believe that the services that are prepared for the President of this decision, entered the head of state in error", - he said at a press conference. According Ryaboshlyka, such actions "are not joined with the President's position on European integration". "He will understand the situation, and still sign the law. I'm sure "- he said.
Such confidence is not shared Ryaboshlika MP from the BYuT Oleg Lyashko. In his view, the President vetoed the law is absolutely consciously. Moreover, Lyashko accused the head of state in lobbying the interests of the tobacco business.
"According to my information, for the veto of this law on account of structures that hold the election campaign of the presidential candidate Yushchenko, has been transferred more than five million dollars, - said Lyashko. - We have information, we now verify that we are talking about the transfer of funds from tobacco companies to various charities in some way involved in the electoral campaign of Viktor Yushchenko. However, I must admit that five million dollars - this is not the last sum, which was agreed. There is reason to consider the information that the planned additional charges for veto this law. "
Byutovets promised to tell the whole story in more detail as soon as more evidence. Meanwhile, refuting fears that Yushchenko concerns the reduction of budget revenues, Lyashko end of the year from excise taxes on tobacco products predicts about 9 billion hryvnia. And in 2010 - about 15 billion hryvnia ...
To have entered the budget even more, and cigarettes became more expensive and therefore not as accessible, the head of the Coalition for a smoke-free Ukraine, Sergei Gonchar, on behalf of 50 NGOs appealed to the President demanding yet to change its position. For hedging and appealed to the Verkhovna Rada to take into account some of the comments of the President, to make this bill for consideration and vote again.
However, this will be problems, sure Lyashko. The President has no right to withdraw a veto, he said, so the only correct way - that consideration of the law again in Parliament. Indeed, as noted by the deputy, the Verkhovna Rada will be unable to overcome a veto.
"There is no hope that the parliament pick up 300 votes. Also, we can not take into account the amendments of the President, because, according to regulations still need 300 votes to pass this law after the veto "- the politician added.
According to him, the only option - is to send legislation to committee, and decide in the new edition. "Such a proposal, we will articulate on Monday at the conciliatory council", - said the People's Deputy.
But the paradox is that, without waiting for the decision of the President, from November 1, tobacco companies have increased the maximum retail prices for some brands of cigarettes, as already written "The Day". Should we expect them to decline to veto the law, is still unknown. The professional associations and the tobacco companies to comment on this matter shall refrain ...
General Director of the Ukrainian association of manufacturers of tobacco products "Ukrtabak Valentina Khomenko said" Day ", that Viktor Yushchenko had every reason to veto the law.
"Unfortunately, in recent years, violations of basic laws for the regulation of tax and budget relations have acquired a systematic character and principles of regulatory policy set out in the Law of Ukraine" On the basis of state regulatory policy in the sphere of economic activity ", generally ignored when making regulatory instruments - says Khomenko. - In a country where there is a systemic economic crisis, and that the rating of purchasing power is the penultimate place in Europe and one of the lowest level of minimum wages and GDP per capita tax increase seven times in little more than one year is a manifestation of economic shortsightedness and irresponsibility.
Cigars and Port
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Decrease in sales of cigarettes in the USA compels manufacturers to be interested in nicotinic chewing elastic bands
Reynolds American has decided to earn on desire of smokers to throw an addiction
The American manufacturer of cigarettes second for sales volumes, company Reynolds American which is letting out such marks as Camel and Pall Mall, intend to be engaged seriously in sale of the means helping smokers to struggle with an addiction.
As informs edition The Wall Street Journal, with that end in view the American tobacco giant carries on negotiations for acquisition of the Swedish company Niconovum making a chewing elastic band and sprays, containing nicotine. These products allow smokers to receive regularly necessary doses of nicotine, having refused inhalation of a harmful cigarette smoke.
In case of successful end of the transaction which volume is estimated approximately in 30 million euro, табакозаменители should meet with approval of the American Management under the control of a foodstuff and medical products, only after that they can get on a counter.
Many American tobacco companies already are engaged in pharmaceutical business, however Reynolds becomes the first, selling means on struggle against smoking. It, by the way, not the first attempt of the company to sell to smokers табакозаменители, earlier Reynolds has started manufacture снюса Camel – chewing tobacco.
Purchase Swedish Niconovum is attempt from outside Reynolds to struggle with falling of consumption of tobacco in the USA. About 1998 volumes of cigarette sales in America decrease on the average on 2 % a year. Recently the entered interdiction for smoking in public places will strike on profits of the tobacco companies even more – by estimations Fitch Ratings, in 2009 falling of demand for cigarettes will make in the USA from 5 to 7 %.
The American manufacturer of cigarettes second for sales volumes, company Reynolds American which is letting out such marks as Camel and Pall Mall, intend to be engaged seriously in sale of the means helping smokers to struggle with an addiction.
As informs edition The Wall Street Journal, with that end in view the American tobacco giant carries on negotiations for acquisition of the Swedish company Niconovum making a chewing elastic band and sprays, containing nicotine. These products allow smokers to receive regularly necessary doses of nicotine, having refused inhalation of a harmful cigarette smoke.
In case of successful end of the transaction which volume is estimated approximately in 30 million euro, табакозаменители should meet with approval of the American Management under the control of a foodstuff and medical products, only after that they can get on a counter.
Many American tobacco companies already are engaged in pharmaceutical business, however Reynolds becomes the first, selling means on struggle against smoking. It, by the way, not the first attempt of the company to sell to smokers табакозаменители, earlier Reynolds has started manufacture снюса Camel – chewing tobacco.
Purchase Swedish Niconovum is attempt from outside Reynolds to struggle with falling of consumption of tobacco in the USA. About 1998 volumes of cigarette sales in America decrease on the average on 2 % a year. Recently the entered interdiction for smoking in public places will strike on profits of the tobacco companies even more – by estimations Fitch Ratings, in 2009 falling of demand for cigarettes will make in the USA from 5 to 7 %.
45 billion on a wind
Strange business, in the country financial crisis, and 45 billion the tenges literally rolling on the earth, nobody wishes to bend and pick up!
The coalition “For Kazakhstan, free from a tobacco smoke”, 720 organisations uniting more and 42 000 physical persons, has addressed to the president of the country with the video reference. Members of a coalition urge to raise tobacco excises. Till now the foreign tobacco companies completely supervising manufacture of cigarettes in Kazakhstan, happily got off with only cosmetic increase in the taxation.
According to a coalition, for last four years the quantity of smokers in the country has increased with 22,6 to 30 percent from all population, mainly at the expense of occurrence of nicotinic dependence at children and teenagers. Every eighth schoolboy smokes.
The main reason of youthful smoking - it is paradoxical the low prices for cigarettes which become more accessible than sweets and soft drinks. The prices, in turn, are defined by the superpreferential taxation of the tobacco companies - manufacturers of cigarettes give to Kazakhstan in the form of excises only 12 tenges for a pack of cigarettes. For comparison: in the European Union countries the excise makes 2,02 euros, or 451 tenges for a pack plus of 57 percent of a surtax from a retail price.
In Russia the excise on tobacco is indexed annually and has already reached in recalculation on rouble 96 tenges on a pack, that is on the average 54 percent of its cost price. In Ukraine the taxation of the tobacco companies has been sharply increased in 2008 that has allowed to redistribute the received means for pensions and wages.
At us have gone even on such extremely unpopular measure as a delay of increase of the salary to doctors and teachers, but for some reason preserve the tobacco companies. Meanwhile increase of the excise to 40 tenges on a pack of cigarettes would allow to receive to 45 billion tenge of additional tax gathering and to solve many social problems.
In 2008 increase of tobacco excises already was on the agenda in the parliament senate, and only one voice contra - 19 against 18 - has allowed manufacturers of cigarettes to get off light. Now, when tobacco smoking distribution to Kazakhstan has grown into an epidemic, the adequate taxation of the tobacco companies is “that the doctor has registered”.
Two in one - to rescue from a smoky infection of children and to rescue social expenses of the country. When it still to do, if not now?
The coalition “For Kazakhstan, free from a tobacco smoke”, 720 organisations uniting more and 42 000 physical persons, has addressed to the president of the country with the video reference. Members of a coalition urge to raise tobacco excises. Till now the foreign tobacco companies completely supervising manufacture of cigarettes in Kazakhstan, happily got off with only cosmetic increase in the taxation.
According to a coalition, for last four years the quantity of smokers in the country has increased with 22,6 to 30 percent from all population, mainly at the expense of occurrence of nicotinic dependence at children and teenagers. Every eighth schoolboy smokes.
The main reason of youthful smoking - it is paradoxical the low prices for cigarettes which become more accessible than sweets and soft drinks. The prices, in turn, are defined by the superpreferential taxation of the tobacco companies - manufacturers of cigarettes give to Kazakhstan in the form of excises only 12 tenges for a pack of cigarettes. For comparison: in the European Union countries the excise makes 2,02 euros, or 451 tenges for a pack plus of 57 percent of a surtax from a retail price.
In Russia the excise on tobacco is indexed annually and has already reached in recalculation on rouble 96 tenges on a pack, that is on the average 54 percent of its cost price. In Ukraine the taxation of the tobacco companies has been sharply increased in 2008 that has allowed to redistribute the received means for pensions and wages.
At us have gone even on such extremely unpopular measure as a delay of increase of the salary to doctors and teachers, but for some reason preserve the tobacco companies. Meanwhile increase of the excise to 40 tenges on a pack of cigarettes would allow to receive to 45 billion tenge of additional tax gathering and to solve many social problems.
In 2008 increase of tobacco excises already was on the agenda in the parliament senate, and only one voice contra - 19 against 18 - has allowed manufacturers of cigarettes to get off light. Now, when tobacco smoking distribution to Kazakhstan has grown into an epidemic, the adequate taxation of the tobacco companies is “that the doctor has registered”.
Two in one - to rescue from a smoky infection of children and to rescue social expenses of the country. When it still to do, if not now?
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Altria, the cigarette makers lost "ruling Lights APPEAL
Altria Group inc. cigarettes and other organs of the U.S. lost an appeal of a lower court decision that the company had violated racketeering laws and who are prohibited from marketing cigarettes as "light" or "low tar".
U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington confirmed today U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler's August 2006 ruling, which found that the company conspired for decades to deceive the public and is likely to violate racketeering laws in the future. Today's decision is a victory for the Justice Department, which sued the industry in 1999.
"The District Court found - is permissible, in our view - that companies have a common goal of generating revenues from cigarette fraudulent existing and potential smokers, the appellate court said in its 3-0 decision.
Companies have argued that the ban on "light" and "low tar" descriptors, which had been postponed pending an appeal, would cost hundreds of millions of dollars and would "radically change the business landscape."
Altria and Philip Morris USA unit said in a statement today that they intend to appeal. Reynolds American inc. 'S R.J. Reynolds Tobacco also said that he would appeal.
Altria Answer
"The findings of the court are not supported by law or the evidence presented at trial, and we believe that the exceptional importance of these issues justifies further consideration," Murray Garnick, Altria Client Services senior vice president and associate general counsel, said in a statement.
The judge's decision came after nine Kessler trial, which began in September 2004. In addition to the "Lights" ban, the court today confirmed the fact Kessler, prohibiting future violations of the companies under racketeering influenced and corrupt organizations, or RICO.
The appellate court also ruled that companies may be required to publish a statement correcting past distortions of the drug, the dangers of smoking and passive smoking, the companies' manipulation of cigarette design and the dangers of "light" and "low tar" cigarettes.
Kessler found that the company was misleading consumers into believing that "light" cigarettes are less dangerous than other types. not hazardous to health.
'Deceptive practices'
"This decision is a victory for the American people, which prohibits the use of misleading terms such as" light and low tar, "and gives the government an opportunity to carry out these companies if they continue their deceptive practices," Deputy Attorney General David Ogden said today in a statement.
Kessler ruled that the restrictions are necessary to prevent future RICO violations, rejecting the arguments of the company that in 1999 an agreement between the U.S. cigarette makers and 46 states do not allow them to violate the law.
"This decision reinforces the action the decision of Judge Kessler in 2006, the defendants, tobacco companies and their racketeering racketeers behavior not only in ancient history," said Edward Sweda, senior attorney for the anti-smoking group Tobacco Liability Project.
Sweda said that he was surprised by the unanimous opinion, which included Chief District Judge David Sentelle, a native of North Carolina, has appointed Court of Appeals by President Reagan in 1987. Sentelle ruled against the government's earlier appeal in this case.
Today, the Court rejected the Government's call for additional funds denied Kessler, including counter-marketing campaign, a nationwide smoking cessation program, plan to smoking by minors, as well as proposals for court-appointed monitor to oversee the industry.
RICO violations
Defending the findings regarding the company, the court returned the case against Brown and Williamson Holdings inc. the trial court for further investigation of the case from what is likely to commit future violations of RICO. Reynolds bought Brown and Williamson in the U.S. operations in 2004.
The court also instructed the lower court to make it clear that the ruling applies only in the U.S. and change of decisions related to the Point-Of-Sale displays. And the court of first instance should determine the order of Kessler relates to subsidiaries of the defendant.
Court of Appeal released from the trial of two industry groups, the Council for Tobacco Research-USA Inc. and the Tobacco Institute inc.
The suit was filed by the Clinton administration in 1999 and originally sought $ 289 billion to reimburse the federal government for money spent treating sick smokers. A series of rulings prevented the Government to collect money from the company.
Top-selling brand
Altria, based in Richmond, Va., is the largest U.S. cigarette maker. Its Philip Morris USA unit of Marlboro, the best-selling brands.
The defendants include Reynolds American, based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the second largest cigarette company and manufacturer of cigarettes Camel; Lorillard, allocated by Loews Corp., Producer of Newports; British American Tobacco Plc "British American Tobacco and Vector Group Ltd. 'S Liggett group.
Jeannine Dowling, a representative of Lorillard, had no comment.
Altria was unchanged at $ 16.64 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading today. Shares have risen 10 percent this year.
The case United States v. Philip Morris USA, 06-5267, U.S. Court of Appeals District of Columbia (Washington).
U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington confirmed today U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler's August 2006 ruling, which found that the company conspired for decades to deceive the public and is likely to violate racketeering laws in the future. Today's decision is a victory for the Justice Department, which sued the industry in 1999.
"The District Court found - is permissible, in our view - that companies have a common goal of generating revenues from cigarette fraudulent existing and potential smokers, the appellate court said in its 3-0 decision.
Companies have argued that the ban on "light" and "low tar" descriptors, which had been postponed pending an appeal, would cost hundreds of millions of dollars and would "radically change the business landscape."
Altria and Philip Morris USA unit said in a statement today that they intend to appeal. Reynolds American inc. 'S R.J. Reynolds Tobacco also said that he would appeal.
Altria Answer
"The findings of the court are not supported by law or the evidence presented at trial, and we believe that the exceptional importance of these issues justifies further consideration," Murray Garnick, Altria Client Services senior vice president and associate general counsel, said in a statement.
The judge's decision came after nine Kessler trial, which began in September 2004. In addition to the "Lights" ban, the court today confirmed the fact Kessler, prohibiting future violations of the companies under racketeering influenced and corrupt organizations, or RICO.
The appellate court also ruled that companies may be required to publish a statement correcting past distortions of the drug, the dangers of smoking and passive smoking, the companies' manipulation of cigarette design and the dangers of "light" and "low tar" cigarettes.
Kessler found that the company was misleading consumers into believing that "light" cigarettes are less dangerous than other types. not hazardous to health.
'Deceptive practices'
"This decision is a victory for the American people, which prohibits the use of misleading terms such as" light and low tar, "and gives the government an opportunity to carry out these companies if they continue their deceptive practices," Deputy Attorney General David Ogden said today in a statement.
Kessler ruled that the restrictions are necessary to prevent future RICO violations, rejecting the arguments of the company that in 1999 an agreement between the U.S. cigarette makers and 46 states do not allow them to violate the law.
"This decision reinforces the action the decision of Judge Kessler in 2006, the defendants, tobacco companies and their racketeering racketeers behavior not only in ancient history," said Edward Sweda, senior attorney for the anti-smoking group Tobacco Liability Project.
Sweda said that he was surprised by the unanimous opinion, which included Chief District Judge David Sentelle, a native of North Carolina, has appointed Court of Appeals by President Reagan in 1987. Sentelle ruled against the government's earlier appeal in this case.
Today, the Court rejected the Government's call for additional funds denied Kessler, including counter-marketing campaign, a nationwide smoking cessation program, plan to smoking by minors, as well as proposals for court-appointed monitor to oversee the industry.
RICO violations
Defending the findings regarding the company, the court returned the case against Brown and Williamson Holdings inc. the trial court for further investigation of the case from what is likely to commit future violations of RICO. Reynolds bought Brown and Williamson in the U.S. operations in 2004.
The court also instructed the lower court to make it clear that the ruling applies only in the U.S. and change of decisions related to the Point-Of-Sale displays. And the court of first instance should determine the order of Kessler relates to subsidiaries of the defendant.
Court of Appeal released from the trial of two industry groups, the Council for Tobacco Research-USA Inc. and the Tobacco Institute inc.
The suit was filed by the Clinton administration in 1999 and originally sought $ 289 billion to reimburse the federal government for money spent treating sick smokers. A series of rulings prevented the Government to collect money from the company.
Top-selling brand
Altria, based in Richmond, Va., is the largest U.S. cigarette maker. Its Philip Morris USA unit of Marlboro, the best-selling brands.
The defendants include Reynolds American, based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the second largest cigarette company and manufacturer of cigarettes Camel; Lorillard, allocated by Loews Corp., Producer of Newports; British American Tobacco Plc "British American Tobacco and Vector Group Ltd. 'S Liggett group.
Jeannine Dowling, a representative of Lorillard, had no comment.
Altria was unchanged at $ 16.64 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading today. Shares have risen 10 percent this year.
The case United States v. Philip Morris USA, 06-5267, U.S. Court of Appeals District of Columbia (Washington).
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Now port is a great red wine. It is smooth and sweet. A good tawny port is silky and rich. It coats your tongue and slides down your throat. Since most tawny ports are aged they have a thickness to the liquid that allows it to just linger on your tongue. So you really enjoy the full flavor. It is also a little stronger than wine so you really can’t rush drinking this either. Are you beginning to see the why these pair so well?
Friday, 5 December 2008
Cigars and Port: A Couple of Luxuries
Cigars and alcohol have been a energetic duo for thousands of yea
rs. From scotch and a Montecristo to brandy and a H. Upmann, they have been escorting each other to weddings, galas, and parties all over the world.
Though there are shelves of alcohol that go well with cigars, there is one that smokers often overlook: Port wine. Sitting in the back of a wine cellar simply waiting for someone to drink in its brilliance, port wine knows it is essential when it comes to cigars.
Nearly as sweet as a spoonful of sugar, Port would probably have been the favorite of Mary Poppins had she let her hair down and decided to have a drink. Known also as Vinho do Porto, Oporto, and Porto, Port is fortified wine hailing from the northern parts of Portugal. Though there are Port-like wines made in other countries, such as the US, Portugal lays claim to true Port. The others are, in a simple alliteration, Port Posers.
Made from grapes in the Douro Valley, Port has a long and colorful history. Produced in Portugal since the mid 1400’s, it didn’t gain reputation until the Methuen Treaty of 1703. A treaty that was used to – as treaties are known to do – solve war related conflicts, this agreement also put Port on the European map by strengthening the Port wine trade. Soon, England was very imp
ortant to the world of Port.
The process of making port is an arduous one. It firstly involves picking grapes, smashing them (don’t worry, they use stunt doubles), and then placing the remnants in a tank where they are chopped further into tiny pieces. After sitting in this tank for close to 24 hours, the grapes begin to ferment and their sugar evolves into something else: alcohol.
With Port wine, after fermentation begins, timing takes over. This is where Port becomes somewhat special and a whole lot different. Once half of the grape's sugar has been converted, fermentation must be stopped. In order to do this, the wine is mixed with clear brandy containing a proof of 150. The alcohol in the brandy kills the yeast in the wine, causing fermentation to cease. The ending result is a wine that is sweeter and higher in alcohol content than most.
Though there are many styles of Port - White Port, Ruby Port, Young Tawny Port, Aged Tawny Port, Vintage Character Port, Late Bottled Vintage Port, Traditional Late Bottled Vintage Port, Vintage Port, Single Quinta Vintage Port, Crusted Port, and Garrafeira Port - most styles fall into two broad categories: Bottle aged or Cask aged. Because doing the tiniest thing different will result in a different taste of wine, the two Port processes greatly dictate the flavorful outcome.
While Bottle-aged Ports generally behave like wine on Botox, keeping their color and their fruitiness well into maturity, Cask aged Ports lose flavor quickly. They are ready to drink right away and should be consumed quickly.
Some of the best Ports to know are the Taylor Fladgate Tawny Port, W. & J. Graham's Tawny Port, Smith Woodhouse Vintage Character Port, Niepoort Vintage Port, Quinta do Infantado Single Quinta Vintage Port, and Adriano Ramos-Pinto Late Bottled Vintage Port. Port wine, because of its innate sweetness, is usually served with desserts, and cheese. But, when accompanied with a cigar (hand rolled ones make a particularly ideal pairing), desserts don’t hold a candle and the cheese, as a Tawny Port ditches a block of cheddar for a Camacho Corojo, stands alone.

Though there are shelves of alcohol that go well with cigars, there is one that smokers often overlook: Port wine. Sitting in the back of a wine cellar simply waiting for someone to drink in its brilliance, port wine knows it is essential when it comes to cigars.
Nearly as sweet as a spoonful of sugar, Port would probably have been the favorite of Mary Poppins had she let her hair down and decided to have a drink. Known also as Vinho do Porto, Oporto, and Porto, Port is fortified wine hailing from the northern parts of Portugal. Though there are Port-like wines made in other countries, such as the US, Portugal lays claim to true Port. The others are, in a simple alliteration, Port Posers.
Made from grapes in the Douro Valley, Port has a long and colorful history. Produced in Portugal since the mid 1400’s, it didn’t gain reputation until the Methuen Treaty of 1703. A treaty that was used to – as treaties are known to do – solve war related conflicts, this agreement also put Port on the European map by strengthening the Port wine trade. Soon, England was very imp

The process of making port is an arduous one. It firstly involves picking grapes, smashing them (don’t worry, they use stunt doubles), and then placing the remnants in a tank where they are chopped further into tiny pieces. After sitting in this tank for close to 24 hours, the grapes begin to ferment and their sugar evolves into something else: alcohol.
With Port wine, after fermentation begins, timing takes over. This is where Port becomes somewhat special and a whole lot different. Once half of the grape's sugar has been converted, fermentation must be stopped. In order to do this, the wine is mixed with clear brandy containing a proof of 150. The alcohol in the brandy kills the yeast in the wine, causing fermentation to cease. The ending result is a wine that is sweeter and higher in alcohol content than most.
Though there are many styles of Port - White Port, Ruby Port, Young Tawny Port, Aged Tawny Port, Vintage Character Port, Late Bottled Vintage Port, Traditional Late Bottled Vintage Port, Vintage Port, Single Quinta Vintage Port, Crusted Port, and Garrafeira Port - most styles fall into two broad categories: Bottle aged or Cask aged. Because doing the tiniest thing different will result in a different taste of wine, the two Port processes greatly dictate the flavorful outcome.
While Bottle-aged Ports generally behave like wine on Botox, keeping their color and their fruitiness well into maturity, Cask aged Ports lose flavor quickly. They are ready to drink right away and should be consumed quickly.
Some of the best Ports to know are the Taylor Fladgate Tawny Port, W. & J. Graham's Tawny Port, Smith Woodhouse Vintage Character Port, Niepoort Vintage Port, Quinta do Infantado Single Quinta Vintage Port, and Adriano Ramos-Pinto Late Bottled Vintage Port. Port wine, because of its innate sweetness, is usually served with desserts, and cheese. But, when accompanied with a cigar (hand rolled ones make a particularly ideal pairing), desserts don’t hold a candle and the cheese, as a Tawny Port ditches a block of cheddar for a Camacho Corojo, stands alone.
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